

I spent the morning with my good friend Casey as he underwent surgery on his stomach. They are doing exploratory surgery to see exactly what is wrong with him. As I sat in the post-op brief, it struck me just how much we still dont understand about the human body. The bottom line, the doctors still have no clue exactly what is wrong with my bro. As weird as this sounds, it made me kind of smile... to think that there is still such mystery in our world.

Pray for Casey. Please pray honestly for him. I know that God is working in his life and in the midst of this tough uncertainty.


Bunko Lass said...

Please let Casey know that he is in our thoughts and prayers. We will pray for wisdom for his doctors but will ultimately be praying for a complete healing regardless of what the doctors are able to figure out. God knows what's wrong....and that's all that matters! Give him a big (but gentle) hug from me!


Anonymous said...