
Off To The Home of the 'Bucks

I am leaving in less than an hour for Seattle. It should be a great trip... we have a crazy itinerary planned out for us already. We are headed up there to discuss the possibility of planting a Missiongathering: Seattle right in the heart of what they call the "U-District." There is a beautiful church right in the heart of the village that is wanting some re-vitalization. I am stoked about the potential there... a little nervous... and a little tired. Overall, I think this will be a great trip.

Much love my SD peeps. Dont you fret... Ill be home on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seattle's u-district would be the perfect place for mission to plant a church!!! but make "them" a deal - mission will plant a church there ONLY if "they" will plant a kexp in $an diego ;-P