Magi in a Modern Nativity
Sanctuary was pretty chill tonight. We hung out at Emily's place and she provided AMAZING snacks. She had these little bite size desserts (that I could eat) that she called "Yum Yums." Haha. It is a family recipe of marshmellows, rice crispys, white chocolate and (I think) caramel. Really good. On top of that, she had eggnog for us all to enjoy. Good Christmas times...
After a really long week... and a challenging one at that, I was stoked to hang out with my sanctuary folks. We has a cool conversation about Joseph's role in Jesus' birth and growth. A man that truly embodied compassion and righteousness. I think it would be awesome to learn more about Hebrew cultural norms in that time.
We talked about the role of the Magi as well and I figured Id share it with all of you:
My thought was that the grassroots movement that became the announcement of the Messiah was done through a group of influential tribal leaders that were committed to telling the story of Jesus' birth. I think we often think about the Nativity as a huge "city-wide" event that everyone attended... but the reality of the story is that probably even the inn-keeper didn't know about Jesus' birth at the time. Probably years later, he had a realization that the young pregnant woman who came to his establishment in need of shelter actually carried the Messiah. Or maybe not. Who knows... but the point being that Jesus' birth was something that kind of happened under the radar.
But through the Magi... (the influential men and women of the time) the nation of Israel began to understand that the world was changing. Their words, to those around them, began to tell the story of Emmanuel. Their journey to find the Christ-child eventually led others to journey toward this same story.
Which leads me to this thought: maybe we are the Magi of our time. We have journeyed to the "stable" and experienced the reality of Emmanuel in our lives. And all of us have a level of influence within our circles of friends and family.
Maybe the message of Christmas... the true message of HOPE... is not something that is meant to broadcast across a large cross-section of people we dont know and probably never will... but instead, the message of HOPE is to be spread from our mouths... to those who we have relationship with... to those that we carry influence with.
I think we are the Magi in this modern Nativity.
Posted by
11:58 PM
Labels: church planting, life / growth, spirituality
Egyptian Tea Room
I am in the college area with my friends Hammerhead and Gayle, hanging out at this cool little coffee / hookah / tea shop. I had a bad day... and a frustrating night (lets just say it took me five different coffee shops to finally find one that was open... and cool. Im leaving soon... and going to bed. Im glad I got a chance to hang out with my friends tonight. They made me smile.
Posted by
12:49 AM
Labels: life / growth
Trailer Park Christmas
Hey All,
I would like to cordially invite you to our first annual "Trailer Park Christmas: Gingerbread Trailer" Party. We will be making our own trailer park "lot" and then at the end of the night putting them all together to form our very first Christmas Trailer Park.
Make sure you bring supplies for your personal "lot" of land as well as a bag of candy to share with everyone. We will provide the graham crackers, "lot of land," and the frosting. Anything else, is up to you.
Please feel free to get dressed for the occasion. I know I will be.
The Facts-
Who: You... and Me... and some others... invite whomever you would like to.
What: Gingerbread Trailer Park decorating party and then we are going to be packing backpacks for Border Angels.
When: Wednesday, December 12, 2007. 6pm till we are done.
Where: Pastor Rich's house. 3485 Copley Ave, SD, CA 92116.
Why: Because we can... and to help in a good cause (Border Angels).
see you wednesday.
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, stuff to smile to
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Click here to listen.
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
And drive away the shades of night
And pierce the clouds and bring us light
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Desire of nations, bind
All people in one heart and mind
Bid envy strife and quarrels cease
Fill all the world with heaven's peace
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Labels: The Beautiful Rescue
Inspire Thought
I've started a new design series called "inspire thought." I needed new things to inspire thought while I stared aimlessly into my computer. So you can use these as simple desktops, or print them and take them to meetings or whatever... but enjoy. Give me your feedback, I'd love to hear it.
Posted by
3:35 PM
Labels: graphic design, life / growth, spirituality, stuff to smile to
So I've been pretty much MIA for a while now. I apologize... but life has been extremely busy. I will get some updates up here... but for now, hang with me a while longer until things slow down. Until then, enjoy some of the new design pieces I've been doing for MG.
Posted by
5:35 PM
Labels: graphic design, life / growth, missiongathering
For Those Alone
You Are God's Beloved. God loves you just as you are. Just as He shaped you and made you. The same God who placed the stars in the sky and hung the moon in place has promised you his unyielding love forever. God's love is in pursuit of you constantly... and is in the midst of all you do. Every conversation... Every thought... Every movement... Every smile... Every tear... Every doubt... Every kiss... Every lonely moment... Every struggle... Every achievement... Every success... Every triumph. God's love is there... in your midst... surrounding you.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Labels: spirituality
A Beautiful Prayer / Lectio
Saint Theresa's Prayer
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Labels: spirituality, worship leading
Rooted In Christ... Branching Out In Love
Some graphics I did for the upcoming message at Missiongathering.
Posted by
5:24 PM
Labels: art, artistic expression, graphic design, missiongathering
Did You Know...
Roman soldiers were paid in part with a salt ration called "sarium argentum," which is where the modern term "Salary" comes from?
Posted by
5:48 PM
Labels: stuff to smile to
Hallelujah, God Is Near
Hallelujah, God Is Near
God’s resplendent glory full
On display for all to see
God creator – God of hope
Beautiful redeeming Grace
Healer of the broken down
Of the orphans and oppressed
Find Him dining with the poor
Find Him here surrounding
Hallelujah God is near
Hallelujah God is near
From oceans depth to cedar trees
Fields of wheat along the plains
Praise to God from all the earth
Praise Him from the mountaintops
His radiance is greater than
Anything on earth and sky
Stars and moon will guard the night
Shinning to the God on high
Let true love break out in praise
Let it dance and praise His name
All creation join to sing
Hallelujah to the king
We love, oh, we love
We sing, oh, we sing to You
We shout Hallelujah
We shout Hallelujah
Posted by
5:40 PM
Labels: worship leading
This is a new resource I found for cool videos to incorporate into your gathering. Check it out here. Some great videos and I especially like their stills. Enjoy.
Posted by
5:38 PM
Labels: art, artistic expression, church planting, missiongathering, movies, production
I spent the morning with my good friend Casey as he underwent surgery on his stomach. They are doing exploratory surgery to see exactly what is wrong with him. As I sat in the post-op brief, it struck me just how much we still dont understand about the human body. The bottom line, the doctors still have no clue exactly what is wrong with my bro. As weird as this sounds, it made me kind of smile... to think that there is still such mystery in our world.
Pray for Casey. Please pray honestly for him. I know that God is working in his life and in the midst of this tough uncertainty.
Posted by
4:28 PM
Labels: life / growth
"From Sac-Town, the bay area and back down... Cali is with it lay your mac down" to quote a little Tupoc. Im hanging out in Sacramento International getting ready for the last leg of my trip back to SD. Over dinner I had a chance to just kinda gaze out into the openness of the central valley and realized just how much I really miss it. I know it sounds archaic and a bit country / hillbilly... but there is something magical about the open land that surrounds this kinda twilight zone of California. I think i will have to head back here soon for an actual visit.
No Sean Penn... but plenty of "wide open spaces (thanks Dixie Chicks... no really... thanks)."
Posted by
5:28 PM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
Sleepless (Back) In Seattle - Sean Penn
So I am currently sitting in 36 degree weather here in good old Seattle. Wow its cold. So I was in Oakland earlier today and sneaked off my plane to go grab a quick snack. As I approached the counter to pay for my tasty snack, I arrived at the counter at the same time as... no other than... Sean Penn! How crazy is that. He was buying a newspaper and I had a Vitamin Water and a candy bar. I didnt actually realize that it was him until the lady behind the counter whispered, "Sean Penn..." I replied, "What?" She whispered again, "Sean Penn, thats Sean Penn." I turned around and introduced myself and thanked him for letting me go first.
So that was my day. Other than a few long hours on a plane, a wonderful dinner at a local Fish House overlooking a gorgeous view of the city and a hang out in the lobby with all the Off The Map folks.
I love this city...
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, stuff to smile to
This is an amazing website with tons of good shows that are free streaming. Check it out. www.sidereel.com
Posted by
2:41 PM
Labels: stuff to smile to
Back in the Office
Im back... crazy last week... but Monday has arrived.
Posted by
2:55 PM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
SD Fires... A Lectio
This is a lectio for Missiongathering on Sunday. Love Remains. If you would like to use this video for your worship gathering... please email me at jay@missiongathering.com.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: missiongathering, movies, spirituality
Love Remains
This is the only way I know how to process these fires. These are lyrics from a song I wrote and will play on Sunday at Missiongathering.
Love Remains
Oh the world did change
As the skys all filled with grey
And the ground scorched with pain
Took our lives away
But love remained
Oh love remained
How love remained
Our love remained
And here we are
With sill beating hearts
And eyes to see us through
Oh here we are, Here are you
Love remains
Oh love remains
How love remains
Our love remains
Let this love, get you through
Let this love, get us through
Let your love, get us through
Let our love, get you through
Love still remains
Oh love still remains
Oh how love still remains
Our love still remains
Posted by
2:50 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, music, worship leading
San DIego Fires... How To Help
click on the link.
You can also sign up with volunteersandiego.com.
Posted by
6:02 PM
Labels: life / growth, spirituality
SD Fires... How we can help
Posted by
2:27 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering
Preview: Beauty Is Hope
This is a preview of a vid for Missiongathering this upcoming Sunday... be there... or be... um... ummm... not there.
Posted by
7:00 PM
Labels: artistic expression, missiongathering, movies
Anger... So Much Anger
I am struggling with this right now. I cannot see how anyone can look at the gospel of Jesus Christ and justify excluding certain groups of people based on their humanity. I am really struggling right now. I didnt know just how angry I really was until last night, as I processed on my drive home and my drive to sanctuary, this sick.. stomach anger swelled up in me and overtook my very physical being. I am so angry right now with the church... with christian leaders that choose to exclude... with people who say they are about the "ministry" of Jesus Christ, but rationalize their judgement and ignorance with selected readings of scripture. I cannot imagine a world where the message of christianity would be a message of exclusion, judgement and behavior modification.
I am not an angry person. I do not get angry often, quickly or over silly things. In fact, for the most part people typically call me "non-confrontational." But this has really pissed me off. This has made me confrontational. I am not so much mad at specific people... but upset with the fact that there are so many people that will be marginalized and judged based on rationalizations of the gospel. My heart is burning with honest sadness for those that I see will be left out, and told that their pursuit of healthy spirituality is not valid by men that have no idea what it is like to walk in the shoes of the very people they exclude.
As I sat with a friend last night and talked about what I was feeling, she told me that there is a reason. That this issue will be the issue that defines our time right now. And that God is stirring me and putting an immense passion in me right now that can only be preparing me for His use. I am trying to have compassion. To view the "other side" of the argument with understanding and grace, but as I sit right now, that is extremely hard.
Christ came so that none would be left in the dark. Christ died so that all could have ownership in the Kingdom of God. Christ rose to commission us into being disciples of his love and grace and hope. Christ has asked us to extend His hands of caring... His eyes of understanding... His legs of mercy and His heart of LOVE. Love never excludes... never.
I am not sure yet what to do with this anger. I am not sure how to express it or how to use it for productive means. I am praying. I am praying hard that there is clarity in the path in front of me. This passion is for a reason and I am here, in this unique time and space... for a reason.
If you are reading these words... please pray with me. Please take up the cross of love... unconditional love... and carry it to those that are marginalized and outcast. Love extravagantly with me and help to paint a new vision of faith. A faith that includes... a faith that hopes... and a faith that loves. Without that.. we only have ignorance... and ignorance breeds fear... and fear breeds hate... and hate leads to things that are much worse than the darkest places of a persons heart.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13 (msg)
" 12We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!
13But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love."
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, spirituality, worship leading
George Bush????
"An era that has seen an unprecedented number of nations embrace individual freedom has also witnessed the stubborn endurance of religious repression. Americans cannot look to the plight of the religiously oppressed and closer our eyes or turn away." GW, SD Union Tribune, October 18, 2007.
I think this is the smartest thing I have ever heard GW say. Too bad we won't look internally at the "religiously oppressed" sitting in our church pews and altars every day.
Posted by
10:25 AM
Labels: life / growth, spirituality
We Own The Night
Joaquin Phoenix, Marky Mark, Eva Mendes and Robert Duvall. Definitely not what I expected this movie to be at all. I went into the movie last night with a few friends thinking that it was going to be an action packed battle between two brothers who found themselves on opposite sides of the "law." Instead, what I got was a great period piece that told a deep story of transformation for a family who was controlled by "the law." I think I am still figuring out what I "got" out of the movie, but I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it. The storytelling was done really well and led me down a path of discovery that was deeply invested in the characters in the story.
I still cant get over Joaquin Pheonix though. I just wanted him, in the middle of the movie, to break out into just the chorus of "Ring of Fire." If there was a disappointment.. that was it.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: movies
Some MG Press
Click Here... City Beat's Sheep & Goats.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Labels: missiongathering
Turf Supper Club
Alex and I have had a standing Turf Club appointment for about the last year on Tuesdays at 8:30pm. Turf Club is by FAR my favorite restaurant/ bar in town. The decor hasn't been changed since like the 60's and the atmosphere puts out a real retro vibe. It is usually packed full of artists, musicians, and crazy kids that live in the surrounding areas of Golden Hill, South Park, Logan Heights and North Park. The food... well, lets just say the food is what you make it. My personal favorite is the Beef Kabobs with a side salad w/ ranch. This place, if you've never been, will be a great experience. Plan on a night of retro fun, culinary challenge and rat-pack beverage consumption. How can you not love a place that has Dave Brubeck and Lady Dottie in the same juke box...
You are always welcome to come and join Alex and I... we will always be there as long as we are in town. On 25th between "B" and "C" street.
Posted by
4:18 PM
Labels: local plugs
Bad Chinese
Ever had a hangover case of bad chinese food? Well... thats what today has been for me. I think its almost out of my system... thankfully. Oh the beautiful way Kung Pao Chicken can make you smile and make you frown. haha.
Posted by
3:57 PM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
Now Listening #5
Radiohead's new album "In Rainbows." This band continues to amaze my musical brain. Honestly, they nailed this album musically with a perfect blend of programming and great guitar work. I haven't had too much time to interact with the lyrics, but I am loving this stuff. Once again, Radiohead proves why they are my favorite band and the best live concert I have ever been to.
Posted by
6:11 PM
Labels: artistic expression, music, now listening
Hanging With Brian McLaren
Posted by
2:18 PM
Labels: missiongathering, stuff to smile to
Intensity: In Four Parts
The last week of my life has been an extremely intense time. God is definitely speaking to me and opening my eyes through four very specific experiences in the last 6 days: Seattle, David Crowder, Brian McLaren, and the movie "For The Bible Tells Me So." So in an attempt to really document this, Im going to break these down. If you don't like long posts, or tire easily from reading long things... read one at a time... haha.
What a wonderful city and what a wonderful experience. I can truly say I fell in love with the city of Seattle and with the people of Seattle. Throughout my four days there, I was overwhelmed by the sense of community and collective responsibility that seemed to spill out of every conversation and street corner I engaged. From my conversation with Frankie, a street kid in the Capitol District, to my time with an ecumenical gathering of Pastors and leaders from around the U-District... there was a thread of hope and collective love for one another that came through louder and clearer than anything else I heard. It seemed that there was a spirit of authentic compassion and desire to be connected to neighbors and people living in proximity to one another.
On top of all that, I got the chance to hear from leaders of the church that has come before my time. I saw the compassion and desire to live out the gospel in love and truth that refreshed my young soul in a different way. it let me know that I was not alone in my pursuit of love and hope. it let me know that I was connected to a heritage and tradition of love... and that the church truly has a message that is not necessarily new... but is taking on new life and new relationship to the world at large.
I have immense hope for a new kind of church in Seattle. One that contextually communicates the message of love and hope for those that so desperately need to hear it. I pray that I get to be a part of that. That Missiongathering gets to be a part of that new narrative that will be told. God taught me that my story is not new... but the way that I tell it will be new. God showed me that I am so connected and supported by those that have been there... and God refreshed me by giving me hope for a new future... not disconnected from our past...
David Crowder
What struck me most about my time at the DCB concert was the honest truth that I heard. This sums it all up for me:
"When all the love in the world
Is right here among us
And hatred too
And so we must choose
What our hands will do
Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change
Surely we can change
God pushed me to write. God told me that its okay to write this album in the truth that he is showing me. God released me to write.
Brian McLaren
One phrase: "an epistemology of love." It was great to have Brian join us this morning at Missiongathering. I felt honored to share the stage with such an influential and honest man that is trying to help us understand what it means to have faith today. Once again, I found myself soaking in what God was surrounding me with. Letting me know that It is alright to go forward in my thoughts and convictions... and to live out my epistemology of love. That my view of the world, and my view of others is rooted in the way in which I love.
As we chatted after the gathering, Brian took me aside and said, "Thank you for the music this morning. The music was just wonderful. The songs were right. And its not often that you get really good music... and a really good mix together." (Holla Erik, soundman extrodinare). Which lead me to think... that just like good music and a good mix... there can be good music written through the epistemology of love.
Again, I feel released to write. Released to communicate in my way the love that is deepening in me.
For The Bible Tells Me So
If you have not heard about this movie or have not seen it... Head to your local indie film house and sit your butt in the seat. What a great piece on what it means to love. I am still processing everything that I saw and heard tonight, but ultimately it isnt a film that is arguing for the "rightness" of homosexuality nor the "wrongness" of it. Instead, it is saying that there are marginalized people that have been segregated by a book that was never meant to segregate. That the message of Jesus... and the message that we as christ followers should be so fixated on... is a message of inclusion. And not just inclusion... but love. I am sure tomorrow I will have more thoughts on the movie...
Wrap Up
God is showing me that the purpose in my life... the purpose of my music and my creative craziness is to communicate a love for all and a love for the marginalized and outcast. That God is screaming that message through many different mediums and is asking me to join in collective voice that the world needs to hear. I know that I haven't really been able to summarize in these few paragraphs the true swelling of my heart and soul over the last few days... but its there. Pray with me.. pray for me.. journey with me as we find out what it means to love.
Posted by
11:48 PM
Labels: artistic expression, life / growth, missiongathering, music, spirituality
Quick Update
Alright all. I am back in San Diego and believe it or not this is the first chance I've had to sit down and say "what up" to my internet homies. What a crazy couple of days. So the last I left you, I was in Boise, Idaho for a few hours waiting for my flight. I spent the flight chatting with the guitar player from Anberlin and a few ladies from Canada on their way for a "Jazz Cruise" down to Mexico.
As soon as the wheels of my plane hit the tarmac, I found myself at the David Crowder Band concert downtown at the House of Blues. Great music... and I will DEFINITELY elaborate later (good music, great band opening, good times). After the show, I found a ride home, but made a pit stop at a good-bye party for a friend. Hung there for a while, gave hugs, and headed home to unpack and wash some clothes for the upcoming day. Today, I've been in the office all day helping get our Ray @ Night folks up and running and finishing the media for tomorrow.
I am now heading to Ray @ Night for a quick hello.. then off to dinner with Brian, Rich, Alex and a girl I have yet to meet... then we are going to a few galleries, to the hotel.. sleep... wake up early.. and (the best part) do church in the morning.
Crazy times... but I am loving life. Seattle was amazing. (I owe two posts: DCB and Seattle). Hope to see some of you tonight.
Posted by
6:53 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, stuff to smile to
I DA HO...
Im hanging in Boise, Idaho... yeah, you read that right. I had some tacos from a place called "Maui Tacos." Lets just say, I cant wait for some Seguaros. Ill be home soon... YEAH!
Posted by
4:12 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, stuff to smile to
Seattle Update #2
Hey all... This is the first time I've gotten a chance to sit down write. I am sitting in a Tully's on Fourth & Union in downtown Seattle. This city is amazing. I have really fallen in love with the few areas I've been to the last day or so. Im gonna post some pics up of the trip so far. The meetings are going well. We have another one in about an hour or so with the core leadership of the Church. Keep praying for us and for God to be in the midst of what is happening here in Seattle.
Tully's: all fair trade coffee and compostable cups... very cool:
Rental Car... no insurance please...
cool building downtown:
The Pink Door, an underground bar experience... very very very cool:
great image:
Posted by
5:30 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering
Alaska Flight 593... Outtie!
We are off... The storm has subsided just enough...
Posted by
3:43 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering
Alaska Flight 593... Delayed
We are kicking it at the airport. Got some Rubios in me... and settling down for our flight... WHICH is LATE. Matt and I are having fun though.
Posted by
3:12 PM
Labels: missiongathering, stuff to smile to
Off To The Home of the 'Bucks
I am leaving in less than an hour for Seattle. It should be a great trip... we have a crazy itinerary planned out for us already. We are headed up there to discuss the possibility of planting a Missiongathering: Seattle right in the heart of what they call the "U-District." There is a beautiful church right in the heart of the village that is wanting some re-vitalization. I am stoked about the potential there... a little nervous... and a little tired. Overall, I think this will be a great trip.
Much love my SD peeps. Dont you fret... Ill be home on Saturday.
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, worship leading
Now Listening #4
Guster. Oh what a name. I know I am a little bit behind the curve in discovering their music... but it is really cool stuff. Right now I am listening to the song "Either Way." Really cool lyrics over the top of some good sample work. The song "Satellite" has some great key work in it too. guster.com
Posted by
11:04 PM
Labels: music, now listening
Potato Salad
Thats right.. I had potato salad for dinner tonight. Packing for Seattle... Trying to finish up some work I can't bring with me... Meetings... Interviewing people... DC planning meeting.. goodness gracious great potatos of fire.
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
Urban Solace
I just had a working lunch at a new restaurant that just opened up here in my hood called "Urban Solace." It was really really really good food and a cool new atmosphere. If you get the chance, definitely go and give it a try. Support local business... Eat local food... and get really really fat doing it. Smiles all around.
Posted by
3:27 PM
Labels: local plugs
I Am Free...
Yesterday at Missiongathering was a great time. We introduced a new song called "I Am Free." It was pretty rad (and yes I used the word RAD) to see our community really engage. The lyrics speak to where we are in our life of our community. So I figured I would post the lyrics up here... so here they are:
I Am Free
Through You the blind will see
Through You the mute will sing
Through You the dead will rise
Through You all hearts will praise
Through You the darkness flees
Through You my heart screams, I am free!
I am free to run
(I am free to run)
I am free to dance
(I am free to dance)
I am free to live for you
(I am free to live for you)
I am free
(I am free)
Through You the kingdom's come
Through You the battle's won
Through You I'm not afraid
Through You the price is paid
Through You there's victory
Because of You my heart screams I am free
I am free
Who the Son sets free, Is free indeed
Who the Son sets free, Is free indeed
Who the Son sets free, Is free indeed
Who the Son sets free, Is free indeed
Posted by
12:56 PM
Labels: missiongathering, music, worship leading
Bakersfield HO!
So yesterday after church I jumped in the car with my good friend Casey and we trucked it all the way up to good ol' Bakersfield. Casey needed to trade trucks with his family and I was along for the ride. It is amazing how such a long drive can be quite enjoyable. Good conversation. Had a great dinner at CHUYS'S! And ultimately I am really glad I went.
Posted by
12:53 PM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
From Letters To Peace
I sent out fundraising letters today to close friends and family regarding TBR's new album. I prayed over them as I walked them to the post-office and placed them in the mail box. It was cool realizing what I was praying for. I found myself praying not for success, but that God's will would be done through these letters. I think I am getting to a place where I know that if this album is supposed to happen, then God will see it through. And if it isnt, then God will see that through.
Its crazy that I am finally in this place. And I have a weird and almost surreal sense of peace about it.
We will see what happens... but for now, I invite you to journey with me. Its gonna be a rollercoaster!
Posted by
5:15 PM
Labels: The Beautiful Rescue, worship leading
Sneak Peak...
Ray @ Night is on October 13. Our "Artist In Residence," Sarah Cusey, has been putting together some great things for this event working with her team of local artists. I got a sneak peak of some of the stuff that will be displayed. We are asking the question: What is beautiful? Check out these sneak peak photos I stole:
Posted by
4:21 PM
Labels: art, artistic expression, missiongathering
Attack Of The Hand
Posted by
12:42 PM
Labels: artistic expression, stuff to smile to
Our Sanctuary
What a great group. I got a chance last night to hang out with my sanctuary for the first time (sans a few missing people) and totally loved it. It was great to hear that everyone is basically in the same place... wanting authentic and true community around them. I couldn't help but smile as each of us shared our thoughts about what we wanted out of the group and why we were there. Ultimately, I am really excited about what this group has in store for all of us.
Group - Thanks for sharing all of your hidden talents. Now if we can find a way for Julia to hum (in tune) the ABC's backwards while beat-boxing... we will have perfect transfusion. haha.
much love
Posted by
12:23 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering, sanctuary
"Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." -Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Labels: life / growth
Street Gatherings #3
Tonight's "Street Gathering" is brought to you by the good folks at Mountain Dew... Mountain Dew, keeping people up way past consciousness.
Tonight I got the chance to meet Dante (in the black Metallica shirt) and Raymond (in the hat) at rehearsal. They rolled up pushing shopping carts full of bottles and cans and stayed through the whole rehearsal. Tonight we were working on some new material for Sunday morning, playing two great songs: "Everlasting God," and "I Am Free."
After rehearsal we got a chance to chat, and the guys really were so uplifting to us. They said some people "have it" and we "ABSOLUTELY have it." I haven't yet figured out what "it" is, but I am reassured to know that we found it. In any event, these guys were real nice guys. We talked old time vinyl from Zepplin to AC/DC to Warren Zevon and even got to rap about some pretty crazy concerts Dante had been to. Ultimately, great guys and were extremely gracious to us.
Raymond took one of my cards and wants to give it to his sister who he says is an MTV producer. He said that she has to put too much "crap" on the air that when she finally sees real talent, she will fall in love with us. Everyone knows someone whos going to make you famous.. huh.
Great night of rehearsal... Great getting to know Dante and Raymond. I hope our paths cross again.
Posted by
2:20 AM
Labels: music, Street Gatherings, The Beautiful Rescue, worship leading
It Finally Happened... Chargers 49... Raiders 34
Chargers 49. Raiders 34. Madden '08. I finally beat my buddy Troy tonight. Troy has never.. NEVER... EVER been beaten as the Raiders in ANY Madden game... until tonight. Yeah... I feel pretty good about myself. Hopefully this is a good omen for our San Diego Chargers.
Posted by
2:16 AM
Labels: life / growth, stuff to smile to
New Sanctuary
I just got my sanctuary group from Pastor Matt... boy am I stoked. I am a little (A LOT) nervous about leading a group again, but I really feel like this is something that I should be doing. I really dont think that Ill be the one leading though... I think I will have a lot more to learn than to offer. In any event, I am stoked about the next season of our sanctuary life.
Posted by
1:18 PM
Labels: life / growth, missiongathering
Now Listening #3
I hooked up my vintage Scott speakers to my vintage Scott tube amplifier (all courtesy of TubieClaus) and spun my first vinyl in over two weeks. It took a good 30 minutes to fine tune the sound but... Oh the sounds of the B-side of U2's Joshua Tree. Amazing sound. Amazing clarity. Amazing... amazing... amazing. I will post some pics of the new set up tomorrow.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: artistic expression, music, now listening
1/5 of the Way!
Hey all. Here is a quick update on the new album. As of today we are about one fifth of the way to having the money raised for the new album. After just a week of fundraising, I am pretty stoked. We haven't sent out letters yet, and we havent promoted beyond Mission just yet. So my hopes are up that it is going to happen. THANK YOU COMMUNITY!
Posted by
3:13 PM
Labels: music, The Beautiful Rescue, worship leading
Street Gatherings #2 - My Friend Dave / Isaiah 43
Last night, on my way from some dessert with some friends, I crossed paths with a local man named Dave. Dave has been coming to Missiongathering for a while now, but I have yet to really have a conversation with him. Dave also lives on the streets and is a self-proclaimed "Bum Theologian." He asked me if I had a minute, and we sat and chatted for a good 45 minutes. In the midst of hearing a little of his story, he pulled out his bible and started talking about worship leading with me.
He asked if I could write a song for him and then opened to Isaiah 43 and told me to start reading.
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, Ill be there with you. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it wont be a dead end--Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. " (msg)
We finished up our conversation over a good laugh at the old school rockers like Zepplin and Bowie and said good-bye for the night. I cant shake those verses. Talk about hope... and talk about the new TBR album. Thank you Dave. I hope I can write a song that tells your story.
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: missiongathering, music, Street Gatherings, worship leading
Eyes of Understanding
On Sunday we talked about having "eyes of understanding" and were given black and white photos of something to have eyes of understanding for. As I opened my envelope, I found a picture of Michael Vick. At first, it really didn't strike me as something that I needed to have eyes of understanding for. Although I completely disagree with what he did, he is definitely not at the top of my list of things that I dont understand.
But as I really started to think about it, and what God was trying to communicate to me through my photo, I came to a cool revelation of sorts. One of my friends really, really struggles with Michael Vick. I mean REALLY struggles with him and the sub-culture he represents. And I think that God was challenging me to start to see the world through the eyes of my friend. Not on the Michael Vick issue, but on his life, and his struggles and his soul.
It was cool to be challenged like that yesterday. I hope that there are others who were challenged yesterday too. May we all learn to open our eyes.
Posted by
2:50 PM
Labels: church planting, life / growth, missiongathering
Long Saturday
This has been a long day. I will elaborate more tomorrow... but I just got home, after running from event to event, and I am wiped out. Very good day though. Lots of movement forward. Lots to smile about. For now though... "Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream... (minus the rest of the song.. haha.) Peace.
Posted by
12:24 AM
Labels: life / growth
Walk Their Walk
Walk Their Walk. I am playing an acoustic show at this event. Definitely come down and hang with me and participate in the event. All proceeds go to Zambia (the country I got to spend some time in a few years back). Click here for more info.
Posted by
6:55 PM
Labels: local plugs, worship leading
Great Discussion
Sir Ken Robinson shares his thoughts about creativity and our culture. Really good video.
Posted by
2:39 PM
Labels: art, artistic expression, life / growth
Ministry is rough sometimes...
As if the title didn't say it all. This journey called "ministry" has my whole heart. I am so devoted to helping us all see a new vision of God and the church, that often times I get so wrapped up in the middle of it that I forget to breathe. The couple of months or so have been extremely exhausting, and all of my energy and focus have been completely on making sure the boat stays afloat. In the midst of that, I don't know if I've been communicating well with my closest friends and brothers. I think I've left some people out, and was reminded of that tonight. There is nothing that hurts more than when a good friend feels like they've been left behind. And there are no worse words than the criticism of those that you love the most.
Sometimes I just feel that I am on a rollercoaster that goes from the greatest ride of my life to the scariest back to the greatest in a blink of an eye. And I am just holding on, letting the ride dictate my moods and emotions. Grabbing the hand rails and praying that the lap bar keeps me safe. I know that God is faithful. I know that God loves me. I know that God is near. And in all of those "knows" I still just need God to wrap his arms around me and tell me that everything is going well. To give me rest and sanctuary from my rollercoaster.
There really is no easy answer to this. There is no quick fix. No words to "make it all better." But I wanted to share these thoughts tonight because they are things that I think we all go through... and things we all will get through. When we are real with ourselves, and real with those around us... when we truly look in the mirror and ask the hard questions.. when we can step back and honestly evaluate our life... thats when we can breathe. We can breathe in the love of God. Here comes my chance to breathe...
Posted by
11:34 PM
Labels: church planting, life / growth, missiongathering, worship leading
Halo 3
Yeah, it was awesome. Beat it. Loved it. Hoping for number 4.
Posted by
5:02 AM
Labels: stuff to smile to
Now Listening #2
Amy Winehouse. I know everyone is amped about her single "Rehab." But this girl has got talent on the rest of the album. Check out these two albums: "Frank" and "Back To Black." Bringing back the big band lounge music. A very cool website as well... click here.
Posted by
6:26 PM
Labels: music, now listening
long week
this has been a long week so far... and its only Wednesday. I am excited about the upcoming Sunday, I am excited about writing the album, I am excited about all the "newness" surrounding me these days... but this week has wiped me out already. Strength beyond my own...
Posted by
6:21 PM
Labels: life / growth
Halo 3
Oh yeah. Its here. Its amazing. All hail Master Chief. Here is to hours in front of a television screen fighting The Covenant, The Flood, and whatever crazy thing Microsoft throws our way this time.
Posted by
6:24 PM
Labels: stuff to smile to
Timyra-Joi... Kidzbop.com contest
Hey Everyone. Timyra-Joi is a part of Missiongathering and is one of the most amazing young vocalists I've ever seen. She is in this contest called Kidzbop and is currently ranked number 1. Please visit the website and vote for her. You can vote once a day. Go Young Talent Go!
Posted by
5:56 PM
Labels: local plugs, missiongathering
Set it up.. knock it down
A few pictures from the set-up of Missiongathering on Sunday. We could always use more help. hit me up -jay@missiongathering.com.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Labels: church planting, missiongathering, production